Broadening Your Contracting Perspective: Tools, Techniques, and the Value of Networking

I’m all for leaning into your strengths and doing what you do best in Contracting and Acquisition. I don’t believe you have to be “well-rounded” and work in areas that aren’t suited to your work personality or strengths, but you do need to be open to the very real fact that there may be other […]

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The Long-Term Value of Investing in Workforce Newbies

I’ve taken for granted how incredibly lucky I was when I was a Contracting intern and brand new Unlimited Contracting Officer as a GS 12 with barely 4 years’ experience.  Eons ago.  Back when dirt was new and fire was an emerging technology. I’m stopping to think about it only now when I’ve left the […]

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Bringing in Contracting Experts to Help

I see a lot of Government organizations who don’t understand that they need Acquisition expertise, let alone Contracting expertise. It’s funny how often I hear them say later that they didn’t realize how much they needed to consider Acquisition/Contracting in their planning. I also often see people who’ve merely touched a contract in some capacity, […]

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Goodwill, Boundaries, & Wasting Small Business’ Time

For my Govvies, you’re probably not even aware of this bc people won’t say it out loud to you. Small businesses, consultants, board members, employees, etc, have to mind their tongues or maybe suffer financial consequences. That’s why I haven’t really talked much about this in the last 5 years–bc I might hurt organizations I […]

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